Personal Profile
Mr. Li Tian served in the economic crime investigation department of public security organs for many years before transitioning to full-time legal practice in 2015. He brings to the table years of experience in economic crime investigation, offering unique insights and advantages in criminal defense. Since commencing his legal practice, Li Tian has represented numerous criminal cases. Notably, he excels in the defense of securities, fraud, illegal operation, tax-related, duty crime, intellectual property infringement, illegal collection of public deposits, and fund raising fraud cases. Concurrently, Li Tian also specializes in providing comprehensive legal assistance to enterprise clients in terms of compliance. This includes but is not limited to: investigating and analyzing the criminal legal risks faced by enterprises in their operations, ensuring the compliance of the enterprise's own business; assisting in internal anti-corruption investigations; providing legal opinions on trade secrets and intellectual property protection; and providing legal assistance promptly when enterprises suffer various illegal infringements.
Professional Achievements
- Criminal Defense Field
- Li Tian's distinguished legal experience spanning nearly two decades in public security investigations positions him well to advocate for criminal defendants. Throughout his career, he has successfully represented numerous clients in criminal cases. Notably, he excels in handling defense proceedings pertaining to securities, contract fraud, illegal business operations, tax law violations, official corruption, intellectual property infringement, illegal solicitation of funds, and pyramid schemes.
- Corporate Compliance Field
- Li Tian is adept at offering comprehensive legal assistance on corporate compliance to corporate clients. This includes but is not limited to: investigating and analyzing the potential criminal legal risks faced by corporations during their operations, ensuring the compliance of corporate operations; assisting in internal anti-corruption investigations; providing legal advice on the protection of trade secrets and intellectual property rights; offering crisis PR assistance when a corporation's reputation is at risk; and promptly providing legal aid when corporations are subjected to various illegal infringements, thereby mitigating losses.
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